So it's already August, and that means it's time to start getting ready for school again. Personally, I like to wait until the very last second to start thinking about all of the homework to come. Anyways, I thought that I would give you guys a few tips on how to survive a crazy school schedule. All of this information is coming from a professional commitment juggler... me! So here are a few things I think would really help you during school:

1. A Planner That is Perfect For You
I know this sounds really stupid and nerdy, but seriously. Go to Target or Walmart and look through all of the planners they have in stock. There are a ton to choose from, so just look at all of the different formats and sizes and find what works best for you! Personally, I like to have a lot of room to write homework and extra-curricular stuff.
2. Color Code Everything!
We all used to do it in Elementary school, so why not bring it back? Buy highlighters and binders of the same color so that all of your supplies for each class are color coded and match what you have in your planner. This helps me visualize how much work I have for each class. Also, it allows you to quickly glance in your backpack and see what materials you are missing. It may seem childish, but it seriously works.

3. Have a Study Plan
Everyone has their own way of studying, and before you get too deep into the tests and quizzes, make sure you have a plan. My personal plan is to look over notes and highlight the things I don't know. After that, I go through and make flash cards for all of those highlighted things. It really helps me get the material in my head. Just find the perfect method for you and stick to it!
4. Schedule Some Time for Yourself
This is going to sound super cheesy, but you really do need to spend some time each week just resting. Allowing yourself to relax will help you stay more focused when you are completing other tasks, like homework. So just kick back and enjoy your free time!
That's all for today, and I hope you can use some of these tips to help you in this coming school year. Sorry about the giant break in posts, but hopefully I will be posting more soon! Until next time...
-Yours Truly